PS.01 |
Olga AKOPOVA, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NAS of Ukraine Design of Low-nanometer Scale Size Ag, Ni, and Co Nanocomposites in situ in a Polymer-Inorganic Carrier as a Promising Nanobiotechnology for Anti-Cancer Treatment |
PS.02 |
Domenico AMICO, RINA Consulting An innovative concept for scalable production of In-free TCO layers for Silicon Heterojunction solar cells |
PS.03 |
Davide APPOLLONI, University of Rome Tor Vergata Towards the exploitation of cellular mechanosensitive nanosensors for bioprocess optimization |
PS.04 |
Parisa BEHNAMRAD, Reyhan Naghsh Jahan Pharmaceutical company, Iran Preparation and evaluation of alginate/collagen-coated nanoparticles of kojic acid in the treatment of acne and hyperpigmentation of scar acne |
PS.05 |
Mariangela BELLUSCI, ENEA Magnetic nanoparticles incorporated in CALF-20 MOF for MISA assisted separation of CO2/N2 in post combustion mixtures |
PS.06 |
Barbara BIGI, Sapienza University of Rome Enhancing liposome formation at low lipid concentration: advancing potential with microdroplets deposition over thin layer evaporation |
PS.07 |
Carmela BORRIELLO, ENEA Chemical and physical treatments to improve surface hydrophobicity for passive anti-icing applications |
PS.08 |
Barbara BORTOT, Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS "Burlo Garofolo", Trieste Tetraspanins and PD-L1 Expression in Small Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Follicular Fluid During Treatment with Assisted Reproductive Technology |
PS.09 |
Yasemin CAGLAR, Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey ZnO-Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell: Fabrication and Electrical Characterization |
PS.10 |
Mujdat CAGLAR, Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey The effect of a cationic surfactant composition on the photovoltaic performance of ZnO-DSSC |
PS.11 |
Gabriele CALABRESE SIVIERI, CNR - IMM Sezione di Bologna Enhancing zT in solution-processable organic thermoelectric materials through lithographically control wetting: a leap towards high-performance flexible thermoelectric generators |
PS.12 |
Giancarlo CAPPELLINI, Università di Cagliari Micro-Raman and Optical Reflectance measurements on miniatures of valuable texts of the University Library of Cagliari: the role of different colours |
PS.13 |
Lorenzo CASOLI, University of Rome Tor Vergata Fluorescent Molecularly Imprinted Polymer based on ZnO nanoparticles for the detection of triazole pesticides |
PS.14 |
Enrico CATALANO, University of Oslo, Norway Space nanomedicine and nanoinformatics: the state of the art for nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology in space human exploration |
PS.15 |
Santiago CHAVES CORDOBA, University of Cauca, Colombia Computational design through Functional Theory of the density of Magneto-Semiconductor nanoparticles with Fe3O4 @ TiO2 @SiO2 structure and its application in cancer treatment |
PS.16 |
Luigi CIRIOLO, University of Catanzaro “Magna Græcia” Doxorubicin-loaded super stealth liposomes as advanced nanomedicine for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer |
PS.17 |
Giorgia CIUFOLINI, University of Rome Tor Vergata A green detection method and its validation for the detection of chlorinated pesticides using HPLC-MS: focus on penconazole in chili peppers, ginger, and basil |
PS.18 |
Claudio CLEMENTE, CNR - STEMS Advanced core-shell MOF-Based Materials for Sensing Applications |
PS.19 |
Francesco COTTONE & Gabriele PERNA, University of Perugia Low-cost 3D-printed piezoelectrets based on foamed PLA for energy harvesting devices |
PS.20 |
Vanessa DA FERMO, University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara The SPINNERET project: Electrospun Nanocomposites for Energy Storage |
PS.21 |
Anna DE GIROLAMO DEL MAURO, ENEA Portici Screen printed thermoelectric devices based on PEDOT: PSS/CNT composites |
PS.22 |
Azzurra DI BONAVENTURA, University of Udine Coffea arabica L. cell suspension cultures as source of extracellular vesicles |
PS.23 |
Roberto DI CAPUA, CNR – STEMS Insights about the effect of metal-organic framework hybridization with graphene-like materials |
PS.24 |
Valeria D'ANNIBALE, Sapienza University of Rome Synthesis and characterization of a novel porphyrin-peptide derivative for antimicrobial activity |
PS.25 |
Guillermo DÍAZ-SAINZ, University of Cantabria, Spain Synthesis and screening of MOF-based nanomaterials for the CO2 electroreduction to methanol |
PS.26 |
Antonio FABOZZI, CNR – STEMS Reduction of iron ore by using biomass: an effective strategy for environmental green ironmaking applications |
PS.27 |
Emma FENUDE, CNR-ICB Understanding Assembly Enables the Better Design of Peptide Conjugate Which May Form Useful and Functional Nanostructures |
PS.28 |
Celestino FONTANETO, I.T.I. Omar di Novara DAB-NANOTRAP: Low-cost Nanotraps for Water Purification |
PS.29 |
Patrizia FRONTERA, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria Stabilization of phase change materials for thermal storage applications |
PS.30 |
Miguel Ángel GAITÁN HERNÁNDEZ, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia Effect of temperature on the synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles for environmental remediation applications |
PS.31 |
Francesca GAMNA, Polytechnic of Turin Advanced Characterization Techniques for Assessing Novel Tanning Processes in Leather Production |
PS.32 |
Erfan GHOLAMZADEH, Islamic Azad University of Shabestar branch, Iran Tunable terahertz refractive index sensor based on flexible thin-film elliptical split-ring resonator for Gas sensing application |
PS.33 |
Andrea GNISCI, Malvern Panalytical, UK A new optical module for fast and accurate X-ray texture analysis |
PS.34 |
Valerio GRAZIANI, Centro di Eccellenza Distretto Tecnologico dei Beni Culturali della Regione Lazio Optimization of solvent-free TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis using Full Factorial Design |
PS.35 |
Karlis GRUNDSTEINS, Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia Design and development of magnetic core-shell metal oxide nanofiber by co-axial electrospinning |
PS.36 |
Farid HAJAREH HAGHIGHI, Sapienza University of Rome Supercritical extraction of carotenoids from industrial wastes for the production of bioactive nanocomposites |
PS.37 |
Jianhua HAO, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Enhancing Energy Storage and Conversion with Heterostructure MXene |
PS.38 |
Maryam HASSANPOUR AMNIEH, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Iran Preparation and evaluation of kojic acid nanofibers for preparation of skin patch in Acne treatment |
PS.39 |
Lucie HOCHVALDOVA, Palacky University Olomouc, Czechia Antibacterial and Photothermal Properties of Silver Nanoparticles: Paving the Way for Targeted Therapeutic Strategies |
PS.40 |
Tulay HURMA, Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey Characterization of Bi doped ZnO nanopowders by hydrothermal method |
PS.41 |
Weng Fu IO, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Direct observation of 2D ferroelectricity in layered CuCrP2S6 at room temperature |
PS.42 |
Pierpaolo IOVANE, ENEA The optimization of the production of spherical powders using DC thermal plasma |
PS.43 |
Muhammad Abdullah IQBAL, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale,USA Structural and Surface Analysis of Selectively etched carbide MXene (Ti3C2) Nano sheet |
PS.44 |
Razie IZADI, Sapienza University of Rome Modelling Additive Manufactured Green Nanocomposites by Bridging Atomistic Description and Non-local Continuum Mechanics |
PS.45 |
Fotios KATSAROS, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, NCSR “Demokritos”, Greece Advanced materials characterization tools: The development of CHADA documentation for Liquid Nitrogen Adsorption results on hierarchical porous carbons |
PS.46 |
Madiha KHAN, University of Messina CuO-loaded NiO based gas sensor with dual selectivity to NO2 and H2 at Different operating temperature |
PS.47 |
Mahima KHANDELWAL, Palacky University Olomouc of CATRIN, Czechia High performance asymmetric supercapacitors enabled by tailored active sites in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides |
PS.48 |
Michele LEONE, Sapienza University of Rome Supported Ni and NiCo nanoparticles as catalysts for CO2 valorisation by CH4 tri-reforming |
PS.49 |
Francesca LIMOSANI, ENEA Separation of Terbium from Gadolinium target using cation exchange chromatography |
PS.50 |
Pedro Pablo MACHADO PICO, CNR Possible solution of low-cost and safe Zinc ion batteries using Ethyl cellulose as a binder |
PS.51 |
Tommaso MANCINI, Sapienza University of Rome The non linear thermo elastic response in experiment of extreme ultraviolet transient grating |
PS.52 |
Eleonora MARCONI, Centro di Eccellenza - DTC Lazio Molybdenum doped mesoporous SBA-15 for selective RWGS reaction |
PS.53 |
Alberto MARTIS, Istituto Italiano Tecnologia From spirulina to nanoinnovation, fluorescent phycobilins to make nano catalyst |
PS.54 |
Arslan MASOOD, Sapienza University of Rome Investigation of the electronic properties of Ru bis-Phthalocyanine Molecules on MgO/Ag(100) |
PS.55 |
Sofia MIGANI, Istituto Superiore di Sanità Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of new promising copper complexes on different glioblastoma cell lines |
PS.56 |
Riccardo MISCIOSCIA, ENEA Electro-thermal characterization of 3D printed CNT-based samples for active de-icing applications |
PS.57 |
Giorgio MOGLI, Polytechnic of Turin 3D printable, self-healing and ionic conductive hydrogel for self powered tactile sensors |
PS.58 |
Maria MONTANINO, ENEA Advances in gravure printed Li/Na batteries |
PS.59 |
Amelia MONTONE, ENEA Pyroelectric devices of ZnO-based synthesized wurtzite nanopowders |
PS.60 |
Asma MUNIR, University of Bologna Design and Applications of Hybrid Silver Nanoparticles Exploiting Natural Sources |
PS.61 |
Hiba NATSHEH, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine Modified Release 3D-Printed Capsules Containing a Ketoprofen Self-Nanoemulsifying System for Personalized Medical Application |
PS.62 |
Elena OLIVIERI, Università degli Studi Roma Tre Fluorescently labelled gold nanoparticles as promising carrier for multiple sclerosis drugs |
PS.63 |
Andrea ORSINI, CNR-ISM Ultrashort Laser for Defect Engineering of Wide Bandgap Semiconducting Substrates |
PS.64 |
Miranda PARISI, Università degli Studi Roma Tre Chirality: from molecules, through gold nanoparticles to optical chiral sensors |
PS.65 |
Marzia PENTIMALLI, ENEA SSPT-TIMAS-MADD Preparation of MOF/polymer adsorbent composites by casting and electrospinning |
PS.66 |
Asma Sadat PIRAYESH, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran Preparation of topical gel containing polymeric niosomes of naringenin and colchicine and evaluation of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects in rat |
PS.67 |
Igor PÍŠ, CNR-IOM Few-layer and single-layer MoS2 studied by synchrotron radiation photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy |
PS.68 |
Greta POMANTI, Sapienza University of Rome REPorter system for RNA-based therapy detecting apoptosis and cellular stress in ORGanoid models - REP-ORG systems |
PS.69 |
Sabrina PORTOFINO, ENEA Metal Material Extrusion 3D-printed stainless-steel electrodes for water electrolysis |
PS.70 |
Adel Sarolta RACZ, HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary Carbide-rich protective nano-coatings produced by ion irradiation |
PS.71 |
Luigi RIBOTTA, INRiM Silicon nanowires: fabrication and quantitative dimensional characterisation by AFM |
PS.72 |
Antonio RINALDI, ENEA Exploring Solid-State Electrolyte Separators with Bio-Electrospun Polymer Membranes and Ionic Liquids for Future Eco-Sustainable Solutions |
PS.73 |
Andrea ROSATI, RINA Consulting Development and Upscaling of Antisoiling Hybrid Sol-Gel Coatings |
PS.74 |
Mehrnaz SALAHI, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran Development of Targeted Nanoliposomes Conjugated to A Cell-Penetrating Peptide for Delivery of Mitomycin C in Breast Cancer Cells |
PS.75 |
Raffaella SALERNO, Università di Roma Tor Vergata Silicon/nanocrystalline-diamond cathodes for photon-enhanced thermionic emission |
PS.76 |
Dora SCARPIN, University of Udine Sustainable agriculture by chitosan nanoparticles: characterisation and functionalization with double-stranded RNA molecules able to limit Botrytis cinerea mycelium growth |
PS.77 |
Riccardo SERGI, Sapienza University of Rome Hybrid polymer nanocomposites for dye absorption in wastewater treatment |
PS.78 |
Zahra SHAHRAVI, Yara Institute, Tehran, Iran Accelerating Wound Healing with Novel poly lactic acid PLA-Collagen Scaffold integrating Damaske Rose nanoparticles |
PS.79 |
Giuliano SICO, ENEA Enhancement of pyroelectricity in gravure printed PVDF-TrFE films through corona poling: preliminary results |
PS.80 |
Zili SIDERATOU, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology NCSR “Demokritos”, Greece Air Quality and Health Impact of Primary Semi-Volatile and Secondary Particles and their Abatement: The AEROSOLS case study |
PS.81 |
Antonio SILLETTA, University “Magna Græcia” of Catanzaro Olive Leaves and Citrus Peels: Harnessing Waste for Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Applications |
PS.82 |
Brigida SILVESTRI & Rossella GRAPPA, University of Studies of Naples Federico II Phenolic driven decoration of silica with Ag nanoparticles: Towards sustainable water remediation |
PS.83 |
Nicol SPALLACCI, CNR Bioassembly of DTTO-based oligothiophenes within living cells |
PS.84 |
Shashank SUNDRIYAL, Palacký University Olomouc, Czechia Unveiling the potential of two-dimensional conductive metal-organic frameworks for high-performance-safer aqueous zinc-ion batteries |
PS.85 |
Loredana TAMMARO, ENEA Recycled carbon fiber PLA filament for additive manufacturing: morphological characterization and mechanical behaviour |
PS.86 |
Mindaugas TAMOSIUNAS, University of Latvia Novel method for modification of vein surface by Fetuin A and its characterization by multi-imaging optical spectroscopy |
PS.87 |
Ritik TANWAR, Polytechnic of Milan Surface and defect analysis in advanced materials: leveraging EBIC and SEES in SEM |
PS.88 |
Enrico TARTARI, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Photonic crystal cavities as real-time sensors for single bacteria-antimicrobial interaction |
PS.89 |
Umesh Kumar TIWARI, CSIR- Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh, India Revolutionizing Energy Storage: Core–Shell MOF and Waste Tissue Paper-Based Asymmetric Supercapacitors with Unprecedented Energy Density |
PS.90 |
Enza TORINO, University of Naples Federico II Microfluidics for the high-throughput isolation and loading of small Extracellular Vesicles in therapy and diagnosis |
PS.91 |
Levent TRABZON, Istanbul Teknik University, Turkey Use of QDs based Fertilizers for Sustainable and Versatile Agriculture |
PS.92 |
Daniele VERSACI, Polytechnic of Turin Innovative hybrid high voltage electrodes based on LMNO/LFP materials for lithium-ion batteries |
PS.93 |
Stefania VILLANI, University of Salento Chracterization of bacterial cellulose-neem-hypericum oil wound care paste in vitro and in Galleria mellonella in vivo model |
PS.94 |
Lorenzo VINCENTI, University of Salento Pulse-Atomic Force Lithography technique for the nanopatterning of chitosan films |
PS.95 |
Roman VITER, University of Latvia Non destructive analysis of bitumen-lignin composites by using multispectral optical methods |
PS.96 |
Viktor ZABOLOTNII, University of Latvia Fabrication and characterization of hexagonal phase of WO3 doped with different metal ions using hydrothermal synthesis method |
PS.97 |
Adriano ZERBINI, ENEA Photoluminescent colour centres in lithium fluoride film detectors for gamma rays |
L.01 |
Giuseppe ANGELLOTTI, CNR Towards sustainable pest management of broad scope: sol-gel microencapsulation of Origanum vulgare essential oil |
L.02 |
Giovanni AVOLA, CNR Exploring the Impact of Iron Nanoparticles on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Horticultural Crops |
L.03 |
Silvano DEL GOBBO, ENEA Investigation of Cross-Metathesis in Fatty Acid Esters using nanosilica supported- and molecular Mo and W halides and oxyhalides precatalysts |
L.04 |
Lorenzo FRESCHI, ENEA BaCe1-x-yZrxMyO3(M=Y,Gd) Proton Conductors for Solid Oxide Celles |
L.05 |
Serena GRECO, Istituto Superiore di Sanità FAIRification of genotoxicity data to improve their reusability: from Nanomaterials to Micro- and Nanoplastics |
L.06 |
Claudio LAROSA, ENEA Preparation of a tubular, metal supported Sm-doped Ceria oxygen permeable membrane prepared by RF Sputtering |
L.07 |
Daniele MIRABILE GATTIA, ENEA Improved thermal conductivity in polymeric composites for Additive Manufacturing |
L.08 |
Giulia RANDO, CNR-ISMN Design and development of nanostructured bio-based coatings for surface properties implementation in sustainable applications |
L.09 |
Elisabetta SCALONE, CNR-ISMN Development of innovative functional high-performing clay-based sensing fabrics for environmental parameters detection |
L.10 |
Silvia SFAMENI, CNR-ISMN Advanced functional nanostructured materials for portable sensors in the on-site detection of heavy metals |
L.11 |
Alessio VAROTTO, ENEA Dry Reforming of Methane on Pt/CeO2 catalyst starting from a recycled solution containing precious metals |
RT.01 |
Michele CURATOLO, Università della Calabria Multilevel computational modelling of graphene |
RT.02 |
Agnese FOGLIETTI, CNR-IMM Phase-change materials (PCMs) for neuromorphic applications with low energy consumption |
RT.03 |
Rusheel NIKAM, Sapienza University of Rome Advanced cooling solutions for High Performance Computing Clusters |
RT.04 |
Daniel MORENO-RODRÍGUEZ, Sapienza University of Rome Hydrophobic Metal-Organic Frameworks for vibration damping |