
    updated on August 9, 2024

Poster Session


Here is the list of abstracts accepted by the NanoInnovation 2024 Scientific Poster Committee.
The authors listed will receive formal notification by email in the coming days.
The other abstracts submitted, not listed here and whose authors have not received notification in the last few days, are currently being evaluated for selection as oral presentations.

PS.01 Azin ABEDI, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Enhancing Wound Healing Efficiency: A Deep Dive into an Innovative 3D Printed Bilayer Wound Dressing
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PS.02 Olga AKOPOVA, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NAS of Ukraine
Design of Low-nanometer Scale Size Ag, Ni, and Co Nanocomposites in situ in a Polymer-Inorganic Carrier as a Promising Nanobiotechnology for Anti-Cancer Treatment
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PS.03 Domenico AMICO, RINA Consulting
An innovative concept for scalable production of In-free TCO layers for Silicon Heterojunction solar cells
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PS.04 Davide APPOLLONI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Towards the exploitation of cellular mechanosensitive nanosensors for bioprocess optimization
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PS.05 Parisa BEHNAMRAD, Reyhan Naghsh Jahan Pharmaceutical company, Iran
Preparation and evaluation of alginate/collagen-coated nanoparticles of kojic acid in the treatment of acne and hyperpigmentation of scar acne
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PS.06 Mariangela BELLUSCI, ENEA
Magnetic nanoparticles incorporated in CALF-20 MOF for MISA assisted separation of CO2/N2 in post combustion mixtures
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PS.07 Edoardo BIANCHINI and Matteo GIOIOSA, Sapienza University of Rome
Synthesis and characterization of FDA-approved liposome NPs using microfluidic technique for cancer treatment
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PS.08 Barbara BIGI, Sapienza University of Rome
Enhancing liposome formation at low lipid concentration: advancing potential with microdroplets deposition over thin layer evaporation
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Chemical and physical treatments to improve surface hydrophobicity for passive anti-icing applications
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PS.10 Barbara BORTOT, Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS "Burlo Garofolo", Trieste
Tetraspanins and PD-L1 Expression in Small Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Follicular Fluid During Treatment with Assisted Reproductive Technology
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PS.11 Yasemin CAGLAR, Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey
ZnO-Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell: Fabrication and Electrical Characterization
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PS.12 Mujdat CAGLAR, Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey
The effect of a cationic surfactant  composition on the photovoltaic performance of ZnO-DSSC
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PS.13 Gabriele CALABRESE SIVIERI, CNR - IMM Sezione di Bologna
Enhancing zT in solution-processable organic thermoelectric materials through lithographically control wetting: a leap towards high-performance flexible thermoelectric generators
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PS.14 Giancarlo CAPPELLINI, Università di Cagliari
Micro-Raman and Optical Reflectance measurements on miniatures of valuable texts of the University Library of Cagliari: the role of different colours
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PS.15 Lorenzo CASOLI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Fluorescent Molecularly Imprinted Polymer based on ZnO nanoparticles for the detection of triazole pesticides
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PS.16 Enrico CATALANO, University of Oslo, Norway
Space nanomedicine and nanoinformatics: the state of the art for nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology in space human exploration
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PS.17 Santiago CHAVES CORDOBA, University of Cauca, Colombia
Computational design through Functional Theory of the density of Magneto-Semiconductor nanoparticles with Fe3O4 @ TiO2 @SiO2 structure and its application in cancer treatment
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PS.18 Luigi CIRIOLO, University of Catanzaro “Magna Græcia”
Doxorubicin-loaded super stealth liposomes as advanced nanomedicine for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer
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PS.19 Giorgia CIUFOLINI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
A green detection method and its validation for the detection of chlorinated pesticides using HPLC-MS: focus on penconazole in chili peppers, ginger, and basil
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Advanced core-shell MOF-Based Materials for Sensing Applications
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PS.21 Francesco COTTONE & Gabriele PERNA, University of Perugia
Low-cost 3D-printed piezoelectrets based on foamed PLA for energy harvesting devices
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PS.22 Vanessa DA FERMO, University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara
The SPINNERET project: Electrospun Nanocomposites for Energy Storage
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Screen printed thermoelectric devices based on PEDOT: PSS/CNT composites
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PS.24 Azzurra DI BONAVENTURA, University of Udine
Coffea arabica L. cell suspension cultures as source of extracellular vesicles
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Insights about the effect of metal-organic framework hybridization with graphene-like materials
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PS.26 Valeria D'ANNIBALE, Sapienza University of Rome
Synthesis and characterization of a novel porphyrin-peptide derivative for antimicrobial activity
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PS.27 Guillermo DÍAZ-SAINZ, University of Cantabria, Spain
Synthesis and screening of MOF-based nanomaterials for the CO2 electroreduction to methanol
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Reduction of iron ore by using biomass: an effective strategy for environmental green ironmaking applications
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Understanding Assembly Enables the Better Design of Peptide Conjugate Which May Form Useful and Functional Nanostructures
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PS.30 Celestino FONTANETO, I.T.I. Omar di Novara
DAB-NANOTRAP: Low-cost Nanotraps for Water Purification
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PS.31 Patrizia FRONTERA, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Stabilization of phase change materials for thermal storage applications
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PS.32 Miguel Ángel GAITÁN HERNÁNDEZ, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia
Effect of temperature on the synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles for environmental remediation applications
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PS.33 Francesca GAMNA, Polytechnic of Turin
Advanced Characterization Techniques for Assessing Novel Tanning Processes in Leather Production
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PS.34 Erfan GHOLAMZADEH, Islamic Azad University of Shabestar branch, Iran
Tunable terahertz refractive index sensor based on flexible thin-film elliptical split-ring resonator for Gas sensing application
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PS.35 Andrea GNISCI, Malvern Panalytical, UK
A new optical module for fast and accurate X-ray texture analysis
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PS.36 Valerio GRAZIANI, Centro di Eccellenza Distretto Tecnologico dei Beni Culturali della Regione Lazio
Optimization of solvent-free TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis using Full Factorial Design
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PS.37 Karlis GRUNDSTEINS, Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia
Design and development of magnetic core-shell metal oxide nanofiber by co-axial electrospinning
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PS.38 Farid HAJAREH HAGHIGHI, Sapienza University of Rome
Supercritical extraction of carotenoids from industrial wastes for the production of bioactive nanocomposites
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PS.39 Jianhua HAO, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Enhancing Energy Storage and Conversion with Heterostructure MXene
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PS.40 Maryam HASSANPOUR AMNIEH, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Preparation and evaluation of kojic acid nanofibers for preparation of skin patch in Acne treatment
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PS.41 Lucie HOCHVALDOVA, Palacky University Olomouc, Czechia
Antibacterial and Photothermal Properties of Silver Nanoparticles: Paving the Way for Targeted Therapeutic Strategies
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PS.42  Tulay HURMA, Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey
Characterization of Bi doped ZnO nanopowders by hydrothermal method
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PS.43 Ould-Brahim INSAF, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria
Green nanomaterials for corrosion inhibition applications
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PS.44 Weng Fu IO, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Direct observation of 2D ferroelectricity in layered CuCrP2S6 at room temperature
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PS.45 Pierpaolo IOVANE, ENEA
The optimization of the production of spherical powders using DC thermal plasma
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PS.46 Muhammad Abdullah IQBAL, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale,USA
Structural and Surface Analysis of Selectively etched carbide MXene (Ti3C2) Nano sheet
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PS.47 Hana'a IQBAL, University of Karachi, Pakistan
MDG-1 peptide-based hydrogel encapsulating mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) demonstrate enhanced bone regeneration
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PS.48 Razie IZADI, Sapienza University of Rome
Modelling Additive Manufactured Green Nanocomposites by Bridging Atomistic Description and Non-local Continuum Mechanics
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PS.49 Fotios KATSAROS, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, NCSR “Demokritos”, Greece
Advanced materials characterization tools: The development of CHADA documentation for Liquid Nitrogen Adsorption results on hierarchical porous carbons
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PS.50 Madiha KHAN, University of Messina
CuO-loaded NiO based gas sensor with dual selectivity to NO2 and H2 at Different operating temperature
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PS.51 Mahima KHANDELWAL, Palacky University Olomouc of CATRIN, Czechia
High performance asymmetric supercapacitors enabled by tailored active sites in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
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PS.52 Michele LEONE, Sapienza University of Rome
Supported Ni and NiCo nanoparticles as catalysts for CO2 valorisation by CH4 tri-reforming
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PS.53 Francesca LIMOSANI, ENEA
Separation of Terbium from Gadolinium target using cation exchange chromatography
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Possible solution of low-cost and safe Zinc ion batteries using Ethyl cellulose as a binder
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PS.55 Tommaso MANCINI, Sapienza University of Rome
The non linear thermo elastic response in experiment of extreme ultraviolet transient grating
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PS.56 Eleonora MARCONI, Centro di Eccellenza - DTC Lazio
Molybdenum doped mesoporous SBA-15 for selective RWGS reaction
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PS.57 Alberto MARTIS, Istituto Italiano Tecnologia
From spirulina to nanoinnovation, fluorescent phycobilins to make nano catalyst
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PS.58 Arslan MASOOD, Sapienza University of Rome
Investigation of the electronic properties of Ru bis-Phthalocyanine Molecules on MgO/Ag(100)
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PS.59 Sofia MIGANI, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of new promising copper complexes on different glioblastoma cell lines
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Electro-thermal characterization of 3D printed CNT-based samples for active de-icing applications
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PS.61 Giorgio MOGLI, Polytechnic of Turin
3D printable, self-healing and ionic conductive hydrogel for self powered tactile sensors
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Advances in gravure printed Li/Na batteries
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Pyroelectric devices of ZnO-based synthesized wurtzite nanopowders
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PS.64 Asma MUNIR, University of Bologna
Design and Applications of Hybrid Silver Nanoparticles Exploiting Natural Sources
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PS.65 Hiba NATSHEH, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Modified Release 3D-Printed Capsules Containing a Ketoprofen Self-Nanoemulsifying System for Personalized Medical Application
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PS.66 Elena OLIVIERI, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Fluorescently labelled gold nanoparticles as promising carrier for multiple sclerosis drugs
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Ultrashort Laser for Defect Engineering of Wide Bandgap Semiconducting Substrates
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PS.68 Miranda PARISI, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Chirality: from molecules, through gold nanoparticles to optical chiral sensors
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Preparation of MOF/polymer adsorbent composites by casting and electrospinning
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PS.70 Asma Sadat PIRAYESH, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Preparation of topical gel containing polymeric niosomes of naringenin and colchicine and evaluation of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects in rat
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Few-layer and single-layer MoS2 studied by synchrotron radiation photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
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PS.72 Greta POMANTI, Sapienza University of Rome
REPorter system for RNA-based therapy detecting apoptosis and cellular stress in ORGanoid models - REP-ORG systems
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Metal Material Extrusion 3D-printed stainless-steel electrodes for water electrolysis
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PS.74 Adel Sarolta RACZ, HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary
Carbide-rich protective nano-coatings produced by ion irradiation
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Silicon nanowires: fabrication and quantitative dimensional characterisation by AFM
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Exploring Solid-State Electrolyte Separators with Bio-Electrospun Polymer Membranes and Ionic Liquids for Future Eco-Sustainable Solutions
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PS.77 Andrea ROSATI, RINA Consulting
Development and Upscaling of Antisoiling Hybrid Sol-Gel Coatings
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PS.78 Mehrnaz SALAHI, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Development of Targeted Nanoliposomes Conjugated to A Cell-Penetrating Peptide for Delivery of Mitomycin C in Breast Cancer Cells
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PS.79 Raffaella SALERNO, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Silicon/nanocrystalline-diamond cathodes for photon-enhanced thermionic emission
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PS.80 Dora SCARPIN, University of Udine
Sustainable agriculture by chitosan nanoparticles: characterisation and functionalization with double-stranded RNA molecules able to limit Botrytis cinerea mycelium growth
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PS.81 Riccardo SERGI, Sapienza University of Rome
Hybrid polymer nanocomposites for dye absorption in wastewater treatment
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PS.82 Zahra SHAHRAVI, Yara Institute, Tehran, Iran
Accelerating Wound Healing with Novel poly lactic acid PLA-Collagen Scaffold integrating Damaske Rose nanoparticles
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PS.83 Giuliano SICO, ENEA
Enhancement of pyroelectricity in gravure printed PVDF-TrFE films through corona poling: preliminary results
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PS.84 Zili SIDERATOU, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology NCSR “Demokritos”, Greece
Air Quality and Health Impact of Primary Semi-Volatile and Secondary Particles and their Abatement: The AEROSOLS case study
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 PS.85 Antonio SILLETTA, University “Magna Græcia” of Catanzaro
Olive Leaves and Citrus Peels: Harnessing Waste for Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Applications
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PS.86  Brigida SILVESTRI & Rossella GRAPPA, University of Studies of Naples Federico II
Phenolic driven decoration of silica with Ag nanoparticles: Towards sustainable water remediation
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Bioassembly of DTTO-based oligothiophenes within living cells
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PS.88 Shashank SUNDRIYAL, Palacký University Olomouc, Czechia
Unveiling the potential of two-dimensional conductive metal-organic frameworks for high-performance-safer aqueous zinc-ion batteries
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PS.89  Loredana TAMMARO, ENEA
Recycled carbon fiber PLA filament for additive manufacturing: morphological characterization and mechanical behaviour
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PS.90 Mindaugas TAMOSIUNAS, University of Latvia
Novel method for modification of vein surface by Fetuin A and its characterization by multi-imaging optical spectroscopy
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PS.91 Ritik TANWAR, Polytechnic of Milan
Surface and defect analysis in advanced materials: leveraging EBIC and SEES in SEM
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PS.92 Enrico TARTARI, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Photonic crystal cavities as real-time sensors for single bacteria-antimicrobial interaction
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PS.93 Umesh Kumar TIWARI, CSIR- Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh, India
Revolutionizing Energy Storage: Core–Shell MOF and Waste Tissue Paper-Based Asymmetric Supercapacitors with Unprecedented Energy Density
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PS.94 Enza TORINO, University of Naples Federico II
Microfluidics for the high-throughput isolation and loading of small Extracellular Vesicles in therapy and diagnosis
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PS.95 Levent TRABZON, Istanbul Teknik University, Turkey
Use of QDs based Fertilizers for Sustainable and Versatile Agriculture
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PS.96 Daniele VERSACI, Polytechnic of Turin
Innovative hybrid high voltage electrodes based on LMNO/LFP materials for lithium-ion batteries
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PS.97 Stefania VILLANI, University of Salento
Chracterization of bacterial cellulose-neem-hypericum oil wound care paste in vitro and in Galleria mellonella in vivo model
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PS.98 Lorenzo VINCENTI, University of Salento
Pulse-Atomic Force Lithography technique for the nanopatterning of chitosan films
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PS.99 Roman VITER, University of Latvia
Non destructive analysis of bitumen-lignin composites by using multispectral optical methods
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PS.100 Viktor ZABOLOTNII, University of Latvia
Fabrication and characterization of hexagonal phase of WO3 doped with different metal ions using hydrothermal synthesis method
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PS.101 Adriano ZERBINI, ENEA
Photoluminescent colour centres in lithium fluoride film detectors for gamma rays
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Towards sustainable pest management of broad scope: sol-gel microencapsulation of Origanum vulgare essential oil
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L.02 Giovanni AVOLA, CNR
Exploring the Impact of Iron Nanoparticles on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Horticultural Crops
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L.03 Silvano DEL GOBBO, ENEA
Investigation of Cross-Metathesis in Fatty Acid Esters using nanosilica supported- and molecular Mo and W halides and oxyhalides precatalysts 
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L.04 Lorenzo FRESCHI, ENEA
BaCe1-x-yZrxMyO3(M=Y,Gd) Proton Conductors for Solid Oxide Celles
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L.05 Serena GRECO, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
FAIRification of genotoxicity data to improve their reusability: from Nanomaterials to Micro- and Nanoplastics
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L.06 Claudio LAROSA, ENEA
Preparation of a tubular, metal supported Sm-doped Ceria oxygen permeable membrane prepared by RF Sputtering
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Improved thermal conductivity in polymeric composites for Additive Manufacturing
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Design and development of nanostructured bio-based coatings for surface properties implementation in sustainable applications 
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L.09 Elisabetta SCALONE, CNR-ISMN
Development of innovative functional high-performing clay-based sensing fabrics for environmental parameters detection 
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Advanced functional nanostructured materials for portable sensors in the on-site detection of heavy metals 
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L.11 Alessio VAROTTO, ENEA
Dry Reforming of Methane on Pt/CeO2 catalyst starting from a recycled solution containing precious metals
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RT.01 Michele CURATOLO, Università della Calabria
Multilevel computational modelling of graphene
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Phase-change materials (PCMs) for neuromorphic applications with low energy consumption
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RT.03 Rusheel NIKAM, Sapienza University of Rome
Advanced cooling solutions for High Performance Computing Clusters
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RT.04 Daniel MORENO-RODRÍGUEZ, Sapienza University of Rome
Hydrophobic Metal-Organic Frameworks for vibration damping
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Dr. Federica SCROFANI

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