

Open Innovation & Open Science




VII Edition

13 September

Organized by:
AIRI Associazione NanoItaly 300 Sapienza completa 400
Chairs: Vittorio MORANDI, CNR-ISMN & Marco ROSSI, Sapienza University of Rome

With the growing interest generated by the previous six editions of "Open Innovation and Open Science," the event is once again being organized as part of NanoInnovation 2024, marking its seventh edition. Since the 2022 edition, it was decided, for continuity, to retain the same title, but the contents and aims of the event have been revised and reconfigured to thoughtfully align with the scenarios presented in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), emphasizing sustainability, localized re-industrialization, reimagining globalization policies, and addressing the evolving needs of university and post-graduate training programs. In particular, the current 2024 edition will be mainly focused on the actions regarding the project for the implementation of the Research Infrastructures (RIs) and of the Technological Infrastructures for Innovation, that are strategic structural elements of the PNRR, as they have activated an investment plan that has no precedent in the Italian research landscape.

PNRR represents an unique opportunity to modernize and expand existing laboratories and infrastructures as well as to build new ones, and, at the same time, it will also result in an huge responsibility for all those laboratories, to develop cutting-edge projects in strategic sectors such as material development, quantum technologies, digital and ecological transition, and to realize a sustainable, effective and impactful ecosystem at the National and European level. Moreover, the policies for the use of resources deriving from the application of Recovery Funds will make the relationship between public and private research even more crucial and strategic, with a focus on the valorization of knowledge which will represent a key factor for a concrete and stable economic recovery. In such a context, a key element of the PNRR action on RIs is the commitment to make available the result of these large scale investments – instrumentations, facilities and associated know-how – to a wide audience, from both the scientific and the business sector, and also to create training chains useful for filling skills gaps in cutting-edge sectors. The ability to identify and exploit network skills and knowledge, to manage rapid and complex cooperative processes, to promote inclusive and multi-stakeholder processes to increase the social impact of innovation, to aggregate multidisciplinary skills and knowledge, are increasingly crucial factors for the success of the ongoing projects on RIs.

In the last years, also before the pandemic, the innovation processes have undergone profound changes. The principles of Open Innovation, as a response to the changes in the competitive, technological, scientific environment and the entire approach to research pursued at a national or supranational level according to the principles of Open Science, demonstrate how much the spaces and places of innovation today require careful consideration of the new forms and organizational mechanisms that permeate the action of public and private actors operating in increasingly dynamic contexts, such as those that are determined by the effect of technological convergence, digital transition and the progressive blurring of the boundaries that once allowed to clearly distinguish the various industrial sectors.

The interweaving of relationships between a multiplicity of actors (private and public companies, government bodies and authorities, public and private research bodies, etc.), giving rise to particularly complex interconnected systems, determines the generation of new organizational forms with a "hybrid nature" (strategic European and National initiatives, strategic alliances, partnerships, joint ventures, consortia, temporary entrepreneurial formations, supply chain systems, etc.) which are based on hybrid mechanisms of regulation and management of relations (market, hierarchy, clan, trust), whose understanding and correct application, of a contextual nature with respect to the needs of the various actors participating in the innovative projects, contributes significantly to determining their effectiveness and efficiency.

The 7th edition of Open Innovation and Open Science is structured 4 sessions. During these sessions some of the main research organizations, universities and large national companies, SMEs, national professional associations and territorial bodies will discuss models and experiences related to:

  • Policies for the creation and the sustainability of research and technological infrastructures
  • Technology transfer, Industrial Research, and Public-Private Partnerships within PNRR
  • Principles and methods for open science and open innovation
  • Initiatives and approach towards processes and products integration and sustainability
  • Higher education system: innovation policies and requirements
 September 13
09:00 - 10:30
Technology Transfer and Innovation Policies for a Sustainable Research
Chair: Sabrina CONOCI, Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi
In collaboration with:
distretto micronano sicilia
This session explores the essential policies and frameworks that drive technology transfer and innovation, emphasizing sustainability within research. Keynote speakers from leading public and private organizations, universities, and major industries will examine the creation and sustainability of research and technological infrastructures. The discussion, led by experts, will highlight best practices, regulatory considerations, and strategic initiatives crucial for ensuring that cutting-edge research translates into sustainable industrial innovations. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how these policies support a cohesive, sustainable technological ecosystem, and how they can be effectively implemented to foster long-term industry-wide advancement.
ENEA, Responsabile della Divisione Tecnologie e materiali per l'industria Manifatturiera Sostenibile
ENEA, le opportunità di sviluppo e la creazione di nuove infrastrutture di ricerca offerte dal PNRR
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
Thales Alenia Space, Space Exploration & Science Innovation Lead and Senior Expert Life Support & Habitability
Disruptive innovation for New Space Exploration Challenges
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
University of Salento, Vice-Rector for Technology Transfer
Green and Circular Chemistry for the Sustainable Production of Nano-Therapeutic Materials
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
Alessandro GARIBBO
LEONARDO, Head of Universities and Research Centers Coordination
Partnership, infrastrutture e reti per la ricerca: l’esperienza di Leonardo
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
CNR-ISMN e MISTER Smart Innovation
Mister Smart Innovation and the CNR Bologna Technopole: an hands on experience for research valorization and public-private collaboration
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
Lorenzo ROSSI - CV
IIT, Intellectual Property Manager
Technology Transfer: Impact, Goals, People and Resources
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
11:30 - 13:00
IM4EU: Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership – come diventare protagonisti
JE.II.2 - TT.X.A
Chair: Marco FALZETTI, APRE  

Le public-private partnership sono riconosciute come uno strumento essenziale per trasferire conoscenza e ricerca al mercato. I materiali avanzati sono alla base delle catene del valore di molteplici settori applicativi e sono sempre più un fattore strategico per garantire l’autonomia e la competitività delle imprese europee. Collaborare e creare sinergie tra tutti gli stati membri, le industrie gli attori della ricerca è necessario per sfruttare al meglio gli investimenti attuali e futuri. L’Italia e le sue industrie devono giocare un ruolo importante in questa sfida. Con la pubblicazione il 27 febbraio 2024 della sua comunicazione su Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership, la Commissione ha segnato un punto di arrivo e uno di partenza. L’arrivo è individuato da un percorso che negli ultimi due anni ha accompagnato la Commissione attraverso un intenso confronto con tutti i portatori di interesse al fine di costruire le migliori condizioni per una rinnovata attenzione sulla R&I sui materiali e sul loro fondamentale ruolo di abilitatori di praticamente tutte le sfide tecnologiche del futuro. La partenza, perché si stanno attivando iniziative che coinvolgono tutte le comunità di riferimento, accademia, ricerca, industria, per rendere operative le strategie delineate nella Comunicazione. Durante l’evento la Direttrice della Direzione Prosperity della Direzione Generale Ricerca, illustrerà come procede l’impegno della Commissione Europea su questo dossier. A valle di questo, estenderemo il dialogo a figure di rilievo del contesto istituzionale italiano e del mondo dell’industria e della ricerca, per capire come il sistema nazionale si stia organizzando per cogliere al meglio, e da protagonisti, le future opportunità su questo tema, a partire dal coinvolgimento nel nuovo Partenariato sui Materiali Innovativi che vedrà la luce nella seconda metà dell’anno.

Vi chiediamo gentilmente di accreditarvi all'evento tramite la compilazione del form

Direttore APRE e Chair EuMaT
FALZETTI Marco Microfono 2
Key note Speaker
Maria Cristina RUSSO
Direttrice della Direzione Prosperity della DG- RTD della Commissione Europea
L’innovazione nei Materiali - dove sta andando la Commissione Europea
!DONNA PPT eceded
Maria Cristina RUSSO & Marco FALZETTI
Dialogo: Verso il nuovo Partenariato sui Materiali Avanzati IM4EU
!DONNA FALZETTI Marco Microfono 2
Essere protagonisti delle future sfide sui Materiali Innovativi
Moderator: Tullio TOLIO, Esperto alla Configurazione di Programma del Cluster 4 di Horizon Europe, Politecnico di Milano
Stefano FABRIS
Direttore del Dipartimento Scienze fisiche e tecnologie della materia – CNR
!NEUTRO Microfono 2
Francesca GALLI
Ufficio di Gabinetto MUR
!DONNA Microfono 2
Direttore della Direzione generale per le nuove tecnologie abilitanti, MIMIT
!NEUTRO Microfono 2
Nicoletta AMODIO
Responsabile Industria e Innovazione Confindustria
!DONNA Microfono 2
Prof. Emerito Università Federico II
!NEUTRO Microfono 2
14:00 - 15:30
Research Infrastructure and Ecosystem within and beyond PNRR:
Open Science, Open Innovation, and Higher Education 1/2
Chair: Alfredo PICANO, iENTRANCE@ENL Manager & CNR
This session will explore the principles of Open Science and Open Innovation with a focus on the implementation of Research Infrastructures (RI) and Regional Ecosystems within and beyond the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The session will be divided into two parts: a presentation segment followed by a roundtable discussion. In the first part, key speakers will provide an overview of current practices, key guidelines and real-world applications related to IR and Regional Ecosystems. They will address outstanding issues in their implementation and emphasise the need to integrate sustainability into research practices. In addition, experts will discuss how higher education systems can adapt to evolving innovation policies and requirements. Initiatives aimed at integrating processes and products for sustainability within the education sector will be highlighted, demonstrating the importance of equipping the next generation with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an ever-changing technological and industrial landscape. The roundtable will focus on how open access to scientific knowledge and collaborative innovation can drive progress across different sectors. Participants will explore the benefits and challenges of open science and learn how these approaches can create effective, inclusive and sustainable research ecosystems. The discussion will also look at how higher education institutions can adapt their curricula and policies to promote innovation and sustainability, and ensure that graduates are prepared to meet future challenges. Overall, this session aims to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical implementation, ensuring that the principles of openness enhance the impact and efficiency of research infrastructures. It will align with and go beyond the strategic objectives of the PNRR, highlighting the critical role of higher education in fostering a resilient and innovative future.
ESFR, Deputy Head of Business Development, France
Ecosystems and Infrastructures: The example of Grenoble
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
Executive Director at ART-ER & Vice-President ECOSISTER Foundation
ECOSISTER: The Emilia-Romagna Region's ecosystem for sustainable transition (Title in definition)
SILVERII Marina PPT eceded
Fondazione Rome Technopole, Direttore Scientifico
Drivers of Competitive Advantage: Education, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Open Ecosystems
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
Anastasia DOTOLO
HUB NODES SCARL, Project Manager
NODES: The North-West ecosystem for digital and sustainable transition
!DONNA PPT eceded
16:00 - 17:30
Research Infrastructure and Ecosystem within and beyond PNRR:
Open Science, Open Innovation, and Higher Education 2/2

Moderators: Vittorio MORANDI, CNR & Marco ROSSI, Sapienza University of Rome
Klopman International, LCA Manager
ANDRETTA Antonio Microfono 2
FBK, Materials and Topologies for Sensors and Devices (MTDS) Unit Leader
BERSANI Massimo Microfono 2
ESRF, Deputy Head of Business Development, France
CAPRIA Ennio Microfono 2
Massimo CARNELOS (to be confirmed)
MAECI, Capo dell'Ufficio Innovazione, start-up e spazio - DGSP Uff. XI
CARNELOS Massimo Microfono 2

Vincenzo COLLA
Regione Emilia Romagna, Assessore Sviluppo Economico e Green Economy, Lavoro, Formazione, Relazioni Internazionali

!NEUTRO Microfono 2
ISS, Core Facilities, Director
CRESCENZI Marco Microfono 2
Anastasia DOTOLO
HUB NODES SCARL, Project Manager
DOTOLO Anastasia Microfono 2
Fondazione Rome Technopole, Direttore Scientifico
FOSSATI Franco Microfono 2
Alessandro GARIBBO
LEONARDO, Head of Universities and Research Centers Coordination
GARIBBO Alessandro Microfono 2
Thales Alenia Space, Space Exploration & Science Innovation Lead and Senior Expert Life Support & Habitability
LOBASCIO Cesare Microfono 2
Rosaria RINALDI 
University of Salento, Vice-Rector for Technology Transfer
!NEUTRO Microfono 2
Executive Director at ART-ER & Vice-President ECOSISTER Foundation
SILVERII Marina Microfono 2
ISSMC-CNR & President Eureka! Venture SGR
TAMPIERI Anna Microfono 2
Closing cocktail in the Cloister
A moment to say goodbye and look forward to the 10th edition of Nanoinnovation
(15-19 September 2025)


    Go to Plan 13 September freccia DX f54



Dr. Federica SCROFANI

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