


The Italian Workers Compensation Authority (INAIL) is a public non-profit entity that pursues several objectives: the reduction of accidents at work, the insurance of workers involved in risky activities and the re-integration in the labour market and in social life of work accident victims.

This type of insurance is compulsory for all employers hiring workers in activities which the law defines as risky and protects workers from any kind of damage resulting from work related accidents and occupational diseases freeing employers from any civil liability. The safeguard of workers is now more than ever an integrated protection system – as a result also of recent innovative provisions of law-ranging from prevention on the workplace to health and economic benefits, medical treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration in the social and working life of victims of physical damage consequent to a work related accident or professional disease.

With a view to contributing to the reduction of accidents, INAIL has also implemented a number of important tools to continually monitor employment and accident trends, it provides small and medium size enterprises with training and advice in the field of prevention and funds companies that decide to invest in the improvement of safety. Since 1 June 2010, in addition to carrying out its mandate, INAIL was also charged with all the tasks of OSH research activities, both at a national and at an international level, as guaranteed by the statutory organization. In this field, the Inail Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Epidemiology and Hygiene (DiMEILA) is active also in the research on emerging risks at work, with specific focus on risks related to potential exposure to nanomaterials and new advanced materials in the workplace.

Risk analysis and characterization methodologies for exposure monitoring at the workplace have been finalized, through the development of a multi-disciplinary, multi-parametric and tiered approach also in the view of policy implementation.


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Via Fontana Candida, 1
00078 Monte Porzio Catone (Rome) - Italy
tel: +39 06 941811

website: www.inail.it

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Dr. Federica SCROFANI

Tel. +39 06 49766676
Mob. +39 339 7714107
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.