
    updated on August 9, 2024


Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM-CNR)

The Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM-CNR) is based in Catania and is organized in 5 units located in Agrate Brianza, Bologna, Rome, Lecce and Catania. IMM counts over 200 people as permanent staff (>60% Research Scientists) plus temporary staff including ~100 post-Docs and PhD students. Institute activities span from material science and process development to device fabrication and system integration carried out in the micro- and nano-fabrication facilities present at the different sites (clean-room areas, >1400 m2 in total).  Research activities are focused on three main application areas: Micro/Nanoelectronics, Functional materials and devices, Photonics. In addition, the competences and the facilities are coordinated into four main technological areas, Micro/Nanofabrication, Characterization, Theoretical modelling and Synthesis of Advanced Materials, which provide transversal support to the application areas.

The Unit of Bologna (IMM-BO) (http://www.bo.imm.cnr.it), whose staff comprises more than 50 people (researchers, technicians, administrative staff), is a multi-disciplinary research center that has been working on the study of materials and devices for microelectronics and MEMS for over 30 years. Thanks to the synergy between physics, engineers and chemistry IMM-BO provides a global and flexible approach to the development of innovative technologies for application specific areas. IMM-BO has the largest publicly funded facility for silicon micro-machining in Italy (located in a 500 m2 ISO 5-8 Clean Room), capable of producing different non-VLSI devices, in particular micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS), 3rd generation solar cells and photovoltaic devices. IMM-BO is representing Italy in the EuroNanoLab initiative (http://euronanolab.com) aiming to establish a pan European research infrastructure under the ESFRI program in the field of nanofabrication, by clustering and organizing already existing academic nanofabrication infrastructures on an EU scale. IMM-BO is also coordinating the It-fab initiative (http://itfab.bo.imm.cnr.it/), the Italian network for Micro and Nano Fabrication research infrastructures. Structural and electrical diagnostic techniques have always played a crucial role in the research activity of IMM-BO, and the laboratory raised as a European excellence in the development and use of electron, ion and X-ray characterization techniques.


Sede di Bologna
Via Gobetti 101
40129 Bologna (BO), ITALIA
Tel. + 39 051 6399141
Fax + 39 051 6399126

website: www.bo.imm.cnr.it
contact person: Vittorio MORANDI
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Dr. Federica SCROFANI

Tel. +39 06 49766676
Mob. +39 339 7714107
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.