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09:00 10:30 |
TT.I.A JE.I.1 |
Animal reproduction and the role of extracellular vesicles 1/2 Co-organized with Sapienza University of Rome, EVita, GEI-SIBSC Chairs: Annalisa RADEGHIERI, EVita & Luciana DINI, Sapienza University of Rome | GEI-SIBSC |
Room 5 | |||||
TT.I.B WS.X.1 |
Green chemistry and sustainable approaches for innovative materials 1/2 Co-organized with Sapienza University of Rome Chair: Maria Laura SANTARELLI, Sapienza University of Rome |
Room 15 | ||||||
TT.I.C |
Innovations for enhanced perfomances DSSCs 1/2 Co-organized with University of Tor Vergata and Sapienza University of Rome Chair: Marilena CARBONE, University of Tor Vergata |
Room 9 | ||||||
TT.I.D |
Deleted, postponed to the X edition of NanoInnovation (15-19 September 2025) | |||||||
TT.I.E WS.II.1 |
The role of H2 in the energy transition from production to use Co-organized with Polytechnic University of Turin Chair: Giulia MASSAGLIA, Polytechnic University of Turin |
Room 8 | ||||||
TT.I.F | Maskless Lithography Technologies for the Advanced Micro- and Nanofabrication Co-organized with Heidelberg Instruments, Gambetti Kenologia Chairs: Christian PIES & Vasileios THEOFYLAKTOPOULOS, Heidelberg Instruments |
TT.I.G WS.IX.1 |
Electrochemical Energy Storage: LIB - innovative electrolytes 1/4 Co-organized with ENEA Chair: Giovanni Battista APPETECCHI, ENEA |
Room 1 | ||||||
TT.I.H SE.I.1 |
Next-generation semiconductor devices for power electronics applications Co-organized with iENTRANCE@ENL, CNR-IMM Chair: Simonpietro AGNELLO, University of Palermo |
Room 17 | ||||||
TT.I.I SE.I.2 |
Artificial intelligence and Machine learning in digital health Co-organized with University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro Chair: Alessia BRAMANTI, University of Salerno |
Room 7 | ||||||
TT.I.J WS.IV.1 | Materials for Environment 1/3 Co-organized with University of Milan Chair: Claudia Letizia Maddalena BIANCHI, University of Milan |
10:30 - 10:50 Break and visit of the exhibition area | ||||||||
Parallel Lectures (PL.I) Sessions | ||||||||
10:50 11:30 |
Chair: Marco Vittori ANTISARI, Sapienza University of Rome & Nanoitaly Association | |||||||
PL.I.A | Heiko STEGMANN - CV Carl Zeiss Microscopy, GmbH, Germany TEM lamella preparation in FIB-SEM: Optimization of quality, accuracy and throughput |
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Room 17 | |||||
Chair: Alessia BRAMANTI, University of Salerno | ||||||||
PL.I.B | Rossella CANESE Istituto Superiore di Sanità - ISS MR spectroscopy in the study of human metabolism in health and disease |
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Room 7![]() |
Chair: Amelia MONTONE, ENEA | ||||||||
PL.I.C | Radenka KRSMANOVIC WHIFFEN - CV COST - the European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST – Driving Research Networks for Inclusive Excellence and Innovation |
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Room 1 | |||||
11:30 13:00 |
TT.II.A JE.I.2 |
Animal reproduction and the role of extracellular vesicles 2/2 Co-organized with Sapienza University of Rome, EVita, GEI-SIBSC Chairs: Emily SCHIFANO, Sapienza University of Rome & Alice GUALERZI, EVita |
Room 5 | |||||
Wide-bandgap semiconductors and heterostructures for power and RF electronics 1/3 Co-organized with IMM-CNR & iENTRANCE@ENL Chair: Filippo GIANNAZZO, IMM-CNR |
Making Cultural Heritage conservation safer and sustainable: the GREENART project Co-organized with CSGI-University of Firenze Chairs: Rodorico GIORGI & Giovanna POGGI, CSGI-University of Firenze |
Room 11 | ||||||
Smart materials and devices for precision agriculture applications 1/2 Co-organized with CNR-IMM & CNR- ISMN Chairs: Sebania LIBERTINO, CNR-IMM & Maria Rosaria PLUTINO, CNR- ISMN |
Room 24 | ||||||
Environmental and Energy Solutions: Sustainable Bio-based Processes and Technologies Co-organized with Polytechnic University of Turin Chair: Nicolò VASILE, Polytechnic University of Turin |
Room 8 | ||||||
TT.II.F | Innovations for enhanced perfomances DSSCs 2/2 Co-organized with University of Tor Vergata and Sapienza University of Rome Chair: Marilena CARBONE, University of Tor Vergata |
Room 9 | ||||||
Electrochemical Energy Storage: LIB and Li-based new chemistries 2/4 Co-organized with ENEA Chair: Margherita MORENO, ENEA |
Room 1 | ||||||
TT.II.H SE.I.3 |
Bioengineering for biomedical applications of microfluidics Co-organized with University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro Chair: Nicola D'AVANZO, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro |
Room 7 | ||||||
TT.II.I SE.I.4 |
Composite materials for electrochemistry Co-organized with iENTRANCE@ENL Chair: Mauro PASQUALI, Sapienza University of Rome |
Room 17 | ||||||
TT.II.J WS.X.2 |
Green chemistry and sustainable approaches for innovative materials 2/2 Co-organized with Sapienza University of Rome Chair: Maria Laura SANTARELLI, Sapienza University of Rome |
Room 15 | ||||||
TT.II.K WS.IV.2 | Materials for Environment 2/3 Co-organized with University of Milan Chair: Valentino CAPUCCI, Graniti, Fianders |
13:00 - 14:00 Break and visit of the exhibition area | ||||||||
14:00 15:30 |
TT.III.A | Exploring Amorphous Materials in Photonics and Optoelectronics: From Fundamentals to Applications Co-organized with University of Reggio Calabria Chairs: Francesco Giuseppe DELLA CORTE, University of Naples "Federico II" & Maurizio CASALINO, ISASI-CNR |
Room 9 | |||||
Wide-bandgap semiconductors and heterostructures for power and RF electronics 2/3 Co-organized with IMM-CNR & iENTRANCE@ENL Chair: Luca SERAVALLI, CNR-IMEM |
Nanomaterials and occupational health: risk and opportunities for safer workplaces in the near future Co-organized with INAIL, Sapienza University of Rome, IIT and RINA-CSM Chair: Fabio BOCCUNI, INAIL |
Room 15 | ||||||
Smart materials and devices for precision agriculture applications 2/2 Co-organized with CNR-IMM & CNR- ISMN Chairs: Sebania LIBERTINO, CNR-IMM & Maria Rosaria PLUTINO, CNR- ISMN |
Room 24 | ||||||
Nanotechnologies for Sustainable Separation: From CO2 Capture to Resource Recovery Co-organized with Polytechnic University of Turin Chair: Sergio BOCCHINI, Polytechnic University of Turin |
Room 8 | ||||||
TT.III.F | Deleted, postponed to the X edition of NanoInnovation (15-19 September 2025) | |||||||
Electrochemical Energy Storage: Sodium-based technologies 3/4 Co-organized with ENEA Chair: Omar PEREGO, RSE S.p.A. |
Room 1 | ||||||
Nanotherapeutic in unmet clinical need Co-organized with University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti- Pescara Chair: Christian CELIA, University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti- Pescara |
Room 7 | ||||||
2D and Quantum Materials Co-organized with: to be defined Chair: Francesca SCARAMUZZO, Sapienza University of Rome |
Room 17 | ||||||
Deleted, postponed to the X edition of NanoInnovation (15-19 September 2025) | |||||||
The experience of Rome Technopole 1/2 Co-organized with Rome Technopole Chair: Franco Fossati, Direttore Scientifico Fondazione Rome Technopole |
Room 11 | ||||||
TT.III.L JE.I.3 | Extracellular vesicles in reproduction– promotion and disorders Co-organized with Sapienza University of Rome, EVita, GEI-SIBSC Chairs: Emily SCHIFANO, Sapienza University of Rome; Annalisa RADEGHIERI & Alice GUALERZI, EVita; Luciana DINI, Sapienza University of Rome | GEI-SIBSC |
Room 5 | ||||||
TT.III.M WS.IV.3 | Materials for Environment 3/3 Co-organized with University of Milan Chair: Giuseppina CERRATO, University of Turin |
15:30 - 16:00 Break and visit of the exhibition area | ||||||||
16:00 17:30 |
Nano-based drug delivery systems for biomedical applications Co-organized with Istituto Superiore di Sanità Chairs: Giuseppina BOZZUTO & Maria CONDELLO, Istituto Superiore di Sanità |
Wide-bandgap semiconductors and heterostructures for power and RF electronics 3/3 Co-organized with IMM-CNR & iENTRANCE@ENL Chair: Patrick FIORENZA, IMM-CNR |
Deleted, postponed to the X edition of NanoInnovation (15-19 September 2025) | |||||||
TT.IV.D | Advancements in Thin Films and Tailored Surfaces: Breaking Barriers in Sensing and Biomaterials Co-organized with University of Strasbourg, IUT Louis Pasteur Chair: Adele CARRADÒ, University of Strasbourg, IUT Louis Pasteur |
Room 17 | ||||||
Impacts of Energy Transition Co-organized with Polytechnic University of Turin Chair: Mauro GATTI, Sapienza University of Rome |
Room 8 | ||||||
The experience of Rome Technopole 2/2 Rome Technopole POSTER SESSION |
Room 11 | ||||||
Electrochemical Energy Storage 4/4 Co-organized with ENEA Chair: Alessandra DI BLASI, CNR |
Room 1 | ||||||
TT.IV.H SE.I.7 |
Nanotechnologies for precision medicine Co-organized with University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro Chair: Maria Chiara CRISTIANO, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro |
Room 7 | ||||||
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