


The National Metrology Research Institute - INRiM - is a public scientific research body established by Legislative Decree No. 38 of 21 January 2004. INRiM was born in 2006, merging the Gustavo Colonnetti Metrological Institute of CNR and the Galileo Ferraris National Electrotechnical Institute.

INRiM carries out and promotes research in metrology and develops the most advanced measurement standards and methods and related technologies, fulfilling the functions of a primary metrological institute according to Law No. 273 of 11 August 1991. To this end, as a signatory to international agreements on metrology, upon delegation of the competent institutions, and similarly to the metrological institutes of other countries, INRiM creates and maintains the national standards for units of measurement. The existence of such standards is necessary for the traceability and legal value of measures in the sectors of industry commerce, scientific research, health and environmental protection, as well as for measurement needs in the judicial field and for any other area in which the high scientific-technological content of metrological research is crucial.

INRiM also enhances, disseminates and transfers knowledge and results in measurement science and materials research to promote national technological development and improve citizens' quality of life and services.

INRiM also transfers knowledge and research results in order to promote the development of the country in its various components. INRiM has a unique position with respect to the European metrological institutes: by virtue of its position within the national research system, it is called upon to measure itself against other public research bodies in terms of scientific excellence and, at the same time, is invested by the law to carry out its mission as a primary metrological institute, to accompany and support the technological development of the country.

oxford 2021


INRiM - istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
Strada delle Cacce 91,
10135 Torino, ITALIA
Tel. +39 (0)11 3919.1
Fax +39 (0)11 346384

website: www.inrim.it
contact person: Natascia DE LEO
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Dr. Federica SCROFANI

Tel. +39 06 49766676
Mob. +39 339 7714107
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