
    updated on August 9, 2024


   13 Sept. clessidra che gira 16:00 - 17:30
YOUNGINNOVATION New 979699 conCornice meno
TT.XII Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA
Co-organized with Sapienza University of Rome
Chair: Beatrice VALLONE, Sapienza University of Rome
The Cryo-TEM session at NanoInnovation 2024 will delve into the multifaceted applications and advancements of cryo-transmission electron microscopy, a technique renowned for its exceptional resolution capabilities. This session will showcase how Cryo-TEM serves as a powerful and multidisciplinary tool, enabling detailed investigations of both biological specimens and inorganic materials. Attendees will gain insights into groundbreaking research that leverages this technology to reveal previously inaccessible structural information across a wide array of fields, from life sciences to materials science. The session will be divided into two parts: an initial presentation segment followed by a roundtable discussion. In the first part, a keynote speaker will introduce outbreaking research conducted using Cryo-EM techniques, then giving space to young researchers that will present their latest research findings, highlighting how Cryo-TEM is pushing the boundaries of what can be observed at the nanoscale. These presentations will underscore the technique’s versatility and its critical role in advancing our understanding of complex materials and biological systems. The roundtable discussion will offer a crucial platform for the exchange of ideas and collaborative dialogue, bringing together specialists to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the field. Participants will explore how Cryo-TEM can further contribute to multidisciplinary research and how this approach can be optimized to address emerging scientific questions. The session aims to not only showcase the current state of Cryo-TEM but also to foster a collaborative environment that encourages the sharing of knowledge and the development of innovative solutions, ensuring that the technique continues to evolve and meet the needs of diverse research communities.
The symposium is part of the SE.I
Introductive Keynote
University of Milan
Structure and dynamics determine G protein coupling specificity at a class A GPCR
Alessandro PORRO - CV
University of MIlan
Structural determinants of pacemaker HCN channels blockage by Ivabradine and its technological advancements
Giovanni BULFARO - CV
University of Rome La Sapienza
Development and characterization of high-affinity monoclonal antibodies targeting ErbB3
University of Rome La Sapienza
Riboregulation as a new player in the control of cellular metabolism: clues from the cryo-EM structure of serine hydroxymethyltransferase-RNA complex
Federica GABRIELE - CV
University of L'Aquila
Cryo-EM meets parasitic diseases: validating a novel approach to target thioredoxin-like enzymes


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Dr. Federica SCROFANI

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