
    updated on August 9, 2024

Therapies and Microenvironment in the Neoplastic Diseases

   13 Sept. clessidra che gira 14:00 - 15:30
YOUNGINNOVATION New 979699 conCornice meno
TT.XI Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA
Therapies and Microenvironment in the Neoplastic Diseases
Co-organized with Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro
in cooperation with SIRTEPS e SITELF
Chair: Antonella LEGGIO, University of Calabria, Italy
Deepening the tumor microenvironment, a complex interplay of cells, signals, and structures, holds the key to unraveling cancer progression and devising targeted therapies. Cellular interactions, immune responses, and extracellular matrix dynamics converge to influence tumor growth and metastasis. Advances in imaging and single-cell analysis provide unprecedented glimpses into this dynamic landscape, paving the way for tailored interventions. However, challenges loom large. The heterogeneous nature of the microenvironment and its adaptive responses pose obstacles to effective treatments. Therapeutic resistance, immune evasion, and the intricate web of interactions demand innovative strategies. As researchers and clinicians navigate this intricate terrain, novel avenues emerge. Targeted therapies, immunomodulation, and precision medicine strategies are being tailored to exploit the vulnerabilities within the tumor microenvironment. Collaborative efforts bridge disciplines, fostering breakthroughs in understanding and interventions. In the quest for progress, the tumor microenvironment offers untold potential. A deeper comprehension promises to usher in an era of personalized treatments, potent combination therapies, and improved patient outcomes, redefining the battle against cancer. Here, the evolving journey through the tumor microenvironment is captured, highlighting progress, acknowledging challenges, and illuminating a trajectory that merges science, technology, and compassion to transform the landscape of cancer care.
The symposium is part of the SE.I
Introductive Keynote
University of Calabria
Targeted Mesoporosus Silica nanoparticles as smart vehicles for highly selective drug delivery
Antonella ROCCHI
University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
Targeted Hybrid Lipid-Polymer Nanoparticles for Glioblastoma Multiforme Treatment
Domenico LIGUORO
IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute/ Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
miR-579-3p as checkpoint for adaptation to target therapy in melanoma
Palmira Alessia CAVALLARO - CV
University of Calabria, Italy
Novel Piperazine-Based Small Molecules in Antiviral and Anticancer Research
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Immune-modulable biological environment (MBE) bioreactor to recapitulate the complexity of the vascularized breast cancer microenvironment


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Dr. Federica SCROFANI

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