
    updated on August 9, 2024

Protecting human and environmental health from micro- and nanoplastic exposure in a One Health perspective

   13 Sept. clessidra che gira 11:30 - 13:00


TT.X Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA
Protecting human and environmental health from micro- and nanoplastic exposure in a One Health perspective
Co-organized with Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Chairs: Cristina ANDREOLI & Beatrice BOCCA, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Due to mass production and intensive use, coupled with improper handling and disposal, plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing human health and environmental concerns globally. Once in the environment, the degradation processes of plastic waste generates micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs). On the other hand, MNPs intentionally manufactured for specific commercial uses are another source of environmental contamination. MNPs were detected in marine and terrestrial environments worldwide and can be bioaccumulated and biomagnified along the food chain. Recent studies identified MNPs in various human biological samples, suggesting that humans are exposed to MNPs through multiple routes, such as ingestion of contaminated food and water, inhalation of polluted air and dermal contact. While the adverse health effects of MNPs remain poorly understood, evidences from animal and cellular studies show their toxicity at different levels. The symposium will aim to update the knowledge on the occurrence and possible toxic effects of MNPs to provide a basis for risk assessment and safeguarding both human and environmental health in a One Health perspective. In particular, the following topics will be explored: i) MNPs pollution in the marine environment and their transfer to food web; ii) effects on marine organisms and potential threats; iii) in vitro and in vivo toxicological implications of MNPs; iv) human biomonitoring to assess the exposure to MNPs; v) generation of FAIR data for MNPs in a regulatory prospective. The symposium will also provide a context to identify research gaps and provide recommendations for future directions in the field of MNPs.

TT.X.C.1 Giovanni LIBRALATO - CV
University "Federico II" of Naples
Micro- and nanoplastics from sea to spoon: an overview
TT.X.C.2 Loredana MANFRA - CV
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale
Microplastics effects on marine organisms and potential health issues
Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Methodological approach for the evaluation of potential toxic effects of micro- and nanoplastics
Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Biomonitoring and biomarkers to assess human exposure to micro- and nanoplastics
TT.X.C.5 Chiara Laura BATTISTELLI - CV
Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Generating FAIR data production for micro- and nanoplastics in a regulatory perspective


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