
    updated on August 9, 2024

Harnessing nanotechnology for a greener future with nanobiostimulants

   13 Sept. clessidra che gira 11:30 - 13:00


Advanced Materials 01


TT.X Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA
Harnessing nanotechnology for a greener future with nanobiostimulants
Co-organized with IIA-CNR
Chairs: Antonella MACAGNANO, IIA-CNR & Fabrizio DE CESARE, DIBAF-University of Tuscia
This is the second session on NANOBIOSTIMULANTS, where we explore in detail the potential of nanotechnology in improving sustainable agriculture. This session features a series of insightful presentations that delve into the innovative use of nanomaterials and nanotechnology to support and possibly enhance crop production, promote sustainability, and within a circular economy model. Besides, the posibility to employ microorganisms in nanobiostimulants formulations and even to combine, integrate or encapsulate microorganisms with or into nanostructures to finally enhance plant growth will be analysed. In conclusion, cases of study based on electrospinning techniques to develop innovative nanobiostimulants supporting sustainable agriculture will be presented. Join us to discover the innovative approaches and opportunities these advanced biostimulants provide to reduce the environmental impact of agricultural practices by fostering innovation. 
The symposium is part of the JE.III
TT.X.B.1 JE.III.2.1 Daniele DEL BUONO - CV
DSA3-University of Perugia
Nanomaterials from waste for a sustainable nano-circular economy. Biostimulant effect of nanoscaled lignin and biogenic nanoparticles
TT.X.B.2 JE.III.2.2 Fabrizio DE CESARE - CV
DIBAF-University of Tuscia
Microbial biostimulants: From traditional to nanomaterial-based formulations
TT.X.B.3 JE.III.2.3 Giuseppina LUCIANI - CV
DICMAPI-University of Naples "Federico II"
Nanotechnology meets sustainable agriculture: Nanohybrids from biowaste
TT.X.B.4 JE.III.2.4 Antonella MACAGNANO - CV
Transforming agriculture: Electrospinning nanobiostimulants for sustainable grow


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Dr. Federica SCROFANI

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