
    updated on August 9, 2024

Smart materials and devices for precision agriculture applications 2/2

   11 Sept. clessidra che gira 14:00 - 15:30
 ROOM 24
Agri Food 1300x200


TT.III Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA
Smart materials and devices for precision agriculture applications 2/2
Co-organized with CNR-IMM & CNR- ISMN
Chairs: Sebania LIBERTINO, CNR-IMM & Maria Rosaria PLUTINO, CNR- ISMN
Advanced materials and smart technologies are transforming agricultural applications, increasing efficiency and sustainability. Nanomaterials, biopolymers, and smart coatings are being used to improve a variety of agricultural applications. Nanomaterials, for example, improve pesticide and fertiliser delivery, providing regulated release while minimising environmental damage. Biopolymers generated from natural sources are used to create biodegradable packaging and controlled-release systems, supporting environmentally beneficial practices. Sensors integrated with sophisticated materials also monitor soil health, moisture levels, and nutrient content in real time, allowing for more informed decision-making. This session will focus on the advancements of nanotechnology in the development of materials in agriculture-related applications as well as smart sensors and lab-on-chip (LoC) technologies to provide real-time monitoring and fast diagnoses, allowing farmers to make data-driven decisions that contribute to global food security and environmental protection. Portable devices may combine several laboratory operations on a single chip, allowing for quick and precise diagnosis. Farmers can immediately analyse nutrient levels, pH, and the presence of pathogens, allowing for prompt adjustments. Such smart systems improve the identification of toxins and pollutants, hence assuring food safety and quality. The combination of modern materials with LoC technology, smart sensing materials and electronic devices improves precision agriculture by optimising resource consumption and reducing waste. These advances promote sustainable farming methods, boost crop yields, and raise overall agricultural production.
The symposium is part of the WS.XIV
Domenico CAPUTO - CV
Sapienza University of Rome
An adaptable lab-on-chip for in-field analysis in agricolture
Società Agrigeos
Development of a digital platform based on Artificial Intelligence for precision citrus farming
Giuseppe ROSACE - CV
University of Bergamo
Advanced materials in agriculture-related applications


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