
    updated on August 9, 2024

Environmental and Energy Solutions: Sustainable Bio-based Processes and Technologies

   11 Sept. clessidra che gira 11:30 - 13:00
TT.II Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA
Environmental and Energy Solutions: Sustainable Bio-based Processes and Technologies
Co-organized with Polytechnic University of Turin
Chair: Nicolò VASILE, Polytechnic University of Turin

Facing the urgent challenges of global environmental changes and the depletion of fossil fuels, the "Environmental and Energy Solutions: Sustainable Bio-based Processes and Technologies” symposium represents a critical forum for the exploration of renewable and bio-based processes in order to address sustainable energy solutions and production of high-value products. These discussions underscore the critical need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and move towards energy sustainability. The event is set to showcase the advancements in bio-based technologies, offering a forum for leading researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to share insights into bio-based technologies for the utilization and valorization of waste – both agricultural and industrial residues into biomasses, enabling to obtain valuable products and energy carriers like biofuels and biogas. The symposium will explore innovative bioconversion processes, including the sustainable utilization of algae and gas-fermenting microorganisms to transform agricultural and industrial residues, as wastewater and gas flows, into valuable products and energy carriers such as biofuels, biogas, bioelectricity and other bio-based products. Central to our discussion will be the environmental benefits of integrating capture and valorization strategies into bio-based energy systems and production technologies, thereby contributing to the circular economy and reducing environmental impacts. The event will delve into describing various possibilities to optimize biochemical and thermochemical conversion techniques, synthetic biology, and genetic engineering to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of bioenergy and bioproducts production. This collaborative and multidisciplinary exploration seeks to advance our understanding of bio- based processes and technologies as key drivers for a sustainable and resilient energy future, emphasizing their significant role in achieving energy sustainability and environmental stewardship. The symposium aims to catalyse a collective movement towards a renewable, bio-based energy future, balancing our planet's ecological systems and ensuring a resilient energy supply.

The symposium is part of the WS.II
Barbara MENIN - CV
Biotechnological processes toward environmental sustainability prospects and challenges
Ruggero BELLINI - CV
Microbial aspects of underground hydrogen storage and underground bio-methanation
Antonino BIUNDO - CV
Greenoil s.r.l., Rewow s.r.l. & University of Bari Aldo Moro
Rewind Project: Enzymatic Recycling of Waste Cooking Oils for the Plastic Industry
Annalisa ABDEL AZIM - CV
Polytechnic University of Turin
Integrated approach to sea water brine valorisation and biomethane production using waste streams techno-economic analysis and challenges


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Dr. Federica SCROFANI

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