
    updated on August 9, 2024

Making Cultural Heritage conservation safer and sustainable: the GREENART project

   11 Sept. clessidra che gira 11:30 - 13:00
 ROOM 11
TT.II Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA
Making Cultural Heritage conservation safer and sustainable: the GREENART project
Co-organized with CSGI-University of Firenze
Chair: Rodorico GIORGI & Giovanna POGGI, CSGI-University of Firenze

European Cultural Heritage is a crucial resource that must be maintained and preserved, to counteract degradation enhanced by unfavorable environmental conditions and climate changes. Conservation methodologies lack durability, sustainability and cost-effectiveness, and are typically based on energy-consuming processes or non-environmentally friendly materials. Coping with these issues, the project GREENART (GREen ENdeavor in Art ResToration, HORIZON EUROPE, Oct 2022 - Sept 2025), coordinated by CSGI, is working on new solutions based on green and sustainable materials and methods, to preserve, conserve and restore CH. Five classes of materials will be developed within the project: protective coatings based on green materials from waste and plant proteins; foams and packaging materials made by biodegradable/compostable polymers from renewable sources; consolidants based on natural polymers from renewable sources; green gels and cleaning fluids inspired by the most advanced systems currently available to conservators; green tech solutions for monitoring CH assets non-invasively against pollutants and environmental oscillations. 

Giovanna POGGI
CSGI & University of Florence
Innovative green materials for the cleaning and consolidation of works of art
Sustainable multifunctional nanocomposites materials for protection of artworks: new perspectives in coating and packaging
Gabriella DI CARLO
Bio-based multifunctional coatings for a tailored and long-term protection of metal cultural objects

HANDS-ON session
Innovative green materials for the conservation of works of art: hands-on session


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